Bug Grip
The Award
winning universal connectors
Designed to fit easily into any bag and lightweight, it's perfect for taking with you wherever you go—whether on a flight, a shopping trip, or a family outing.
The idea of Bug Grip is to make life easier for parents, carers and people in general while shopping. Most importantly to give parents a choice when choosing prams and push chairs and saving money if you already have a buggy and one child. When a new addition to the family arrives, you don’t have to buy a double buggy. You can use an existing buggy and buy one extra, then Bug Grip them!! You can also bug grip them to a shopping cart instead of taking the child out of the pram, especially if the child is sleeping.
Bug Grip can attach prams or pushchairs of different makes and models to each other. Bug Grip as it is a universal clip can attach to a shopping trolley so there is no need to invest in a double buggy or pushchair, just Bug Grip an existing buggy and new pushchair together. Hence no need to make a buggy redundant when a family increases in size.
https://maps.app.goo.gl/6uCjdPdBfbeSxUtC8, London, England , United Kingdom
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